Saturday 11 January 2020

Persada Cinta Mu

Terdengar seruan Ilahi di dalam hati

Aku sedar tetapi masih tidak aku pedulikan

Aku terjebak jauh dalam kancah kegelapan

Rahmat dan kasih sayang Allah tak pernah ku syukuri

Banyak pengalaman yang aku belajar sepanjang perjalanan hidup ini

Menjadikan aku seorang yang matang

Tetapi aku masih tidak bahagia

Aku masih tercari-cari sinar bahagia

Aku bertaubat dan berharap pengampunan dari Allah

Allah sentiasa menerima taubat seorang hambaNya

Selama ini tidak terbuka hati ku untuk kembali pada Allah

Sepanjang hidupku hanya banyak buat perkara sia-sia

Allah maha penyayang dan sentiasa menerima taubat hambaNya

Aku ingin dekatkan diri padaMu ya Allah


Bisikan rasa di kejauhan

Biarpun jelas nyata tak ku hiraukan

Samudera dalam telah ku selami

Keindahan cintaMu tak ku hargai

Luas pandangan jauh perjalanan

Bertambah pengetahuan, pengalaman

Namun bahagia belum ku temui

Kiranya yang ku cari ada disini

Aku menghampiriMu dengan kesal dengan harapan

Engkau menerimaku dengan maaf dan kasih sayang

Demikian lama tertutup mata dan jiwa

Hidupku sia-sia terabai masa

Mujurlah pintu Mu terbuka luas menanti

Ke persada cinta Mu ingin ku daki

Sunday 5 January 2020



Its 2020 now. Time flew so fast nowadays. Last update was on 2018, more than a year ago.

Cant believe that its been more than 10 years since i started this blog, 11 years now to be exact. There is no update made on 10 years anniversary which is in 2019. Probably a busy year, Maybe.

This is a new decade for which we might be expecting it to be more technologically advanced when we were in the 2000's. Glimpses of flying cars, high-tech buildings, and robots were in our mind when we were to think of this decade. Maybe its just the futuristic movie that we watch back then.

Now the 2010's are over, here is the summary for what has happened for each year ;

  • 2010 - Started Matriculation
  • 2011 - Started Degree (Junior)
  • 2012 - License (Sophomore year Student)
  • 2013 - Senior Year Student
  • 2014 - Graduated 
  • 2015 - Started job (Overseas :D)
  • 2016 - Moved to SA
  • 2017 - Werk
  • 2018 - Werkk
  • 2019 - Werkkk

Its hard to believe 10 years has gone just like that. I guess the next 10 years will also be even faster than we can ever imagine. So, we should cherish every moment that we have, be so busy loving and caring what we have until we have no time for hate, regret or fear.

Always be grateful to our Maker (Alhamdulillah) for what we have now. Some people may not be as fortunate. That is for now, hope that there will be more update in the near future.

Budak Rockers Polos since 09